May 2015

May 2015 Original Weight - 20%

May 2015
Original Weight – 20%

Today I’m sharing links.



MFP is primarily a calorie-count app/website.  I downloaded the app last summer, was overwhelmed by the process of counting calories, and stopped.  After discovering a recipe analyzer and buying a food scale, I re-tried the website. However, I did not start right away on the calorie counter. I started back up utilizing the social functions. There are message boards as well as a newsfeed for friends’ posts. Just browsing the social functions  is enough to “count” toward your daily check-in tally. But I do think the daily check in is to help motivate you to [use the website] log in your foods daily. The social function is a way for me to express my mini milestones and talk shop regarding weight loss without boring my friends. Now that I have a food scale and I have a better idea of the calorie density of my foods, logging in at MFP is less frustrating. My mfp handle is kellyreineke1


I use this analyzer in a slightly quirky way.  I enter the ingredients, and after it has told me the calories for 1 serving, I adjust the number of servings to make one serving equal 100 calories. It makes it easier for me to compare at a glance the calorie density of recipes.

Diane Carbonell, author of “25 Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid”


A simple list of 25 good habits. You can obtain this list by scrolling down the right sidebar for the e-pamphlet.

Erika Kendall, A Black Girl’s Guide to Weight Loss


Gotta kick that Inner Mean Girl to the curb!


Another look at how to overcome negative thinking and discouragement.

Anne Ricci


The journey is not a straight road. And there are a lot of factors that go into a scale reading on any particular day.

Erika Kendall, Willpower

7. The next link is a cluster of links. This is a series, and the order you read it in.

Barbara Berkeley


My favorite quote in this article comes from its combox!

That weight-loss maintenance is some “lifestyle” is society’s big lie. It is assumed to be the lesser challenge next to weight loss. It is assumed to require no special skill set. It is, merely, assumed. A person does the “hard” work of losing weight, and if she regains it, her friends and family are stunned. How could she do that? She looked so great! She felt so great! She was so “together”! Her friends and family blame her and she blames herself. Everyone speculates simplistically about psychological issues that may have nothing to do with it. She’s, actually, NORMAL. Those of us who maintain are the odd ones. We’ve figured out that this is not an issue of style, but a life-long challenge that engages elements of science, sociology and personal body wisdom. I call it my third- to half-time unpaid job (or my personal science experiment) and force joy into it, such as I can. I approach it with intellectual curiosity, and that helps.



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